When we protect our athletes,
we protect 

Powerlifters and lifters work tirelessly to transform their bodies. They harness and deploy neural strength to move unfathomable weight. It takes technique, a dedicated training plan, and a focus on recovery and diet to create maximum force. You will spend hours benching, pressing, squatting, and deadlifting on your path to mastering the clean and jerk and the snatch. But to you, it is all worth it. Because as a weightlifter, you have the drive needed to set that next PR, to win your weight class, or join the 500lb or 1000lb club. When we protect powerlifters and weightlifters, we keep this sport safe and healthy for all.

If you or someone you know has experienced misconduct or abuse in weightlifting, please access these resources for help. For additional information on confidential helplines, sexual assault reporting procedures, and mental health resources, click here.

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